Marinemax Reviews

We want you to share your experience about this boat retailer (Marinemax). Any infomation can prevent this from happening in the future to another customer.

A few Marinemax Reviews:

JULY 1, 2020 AT 5:45 AM EDIT
I had a similar situation, how can we start a class action law suite against them and stop them from continuing taking advantage of customers? I purchased a Searay 270 and the head door closer issue, and it took 8 repairs and 4 months to repair MarineMax or Searay care about customer service.

craig bleakley 997 Mansell rd Ga
AUGUST 12, 2020 AT 7:41 AM EDIT
Wow – This is powerful stuff. Thank you all for sharing. I am shopping for a boat. I cannot afford a new Sea Ray but now I am thinking I want to steer clear of the used ones as well.

Thanks again

john rogers
AUGUST 27, 2020 AT 12:53 AM EDIT
Marine Max lake Hopatcong, NJ is a total scam ripoff company. I purchased a boat from them and they charged for services that they did not perform. specifically, they charged $850 for cleaning and the boat was totally filthy.

They charged $2600 for re-commisioning a 24 Ft Boat for the season, and they forgot to install the drain plug. they left the key turned on and drained the batteries. I had to buy and install 2 new batteries.

Then I disputed the credit card charge, and I won the case. A year later I made the mistake of buying another boat from them. I Paid cash in May 2019. It is now August and they are now telling me that they cannot provide the Boat title to me unless I pay the disputed invoice to them.

John Keane
SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 AT 5:23 PM EDIT
I wish I saw this website before making a purchase from MarineMax Pensacola. In June, I bought a 2008 Grady-White with Twin 350 Yamahas. The outboards were advertise to have 604 hours. Two weeks ago my Tachometer on the starboard engine stopped reading RPMs and other data. I called MarineMax St. Pete to help me troubleshoot the problem. They quickly track the issue to the ECU and told me the ECUs are not the original. I was immediately concerned about the accuracy of the engine hours represented and was told not to worry because the engine hours are track on a different component within the engine. This didn’t sound right so I called Yamaha to confirm. Yamaha was able to look up my serial numbers and confirmed hours are in fact logged in the ECUs and the original ECUs had 1164 hours. MarineMax Pensacola knowingly misrepresented this information and marketed the boat with 604 hours. In reality they actually sold me a boat with 1768 hours (1164 hrs on original ECUs +604 on the current ECUs).

5 thoughts on “Marinemax Reviews

  1. Jeffrey Mccloskey

    Class action might be the way,
    In 2021 I purchased a used classic 1998 Donzi Daytona 33 twin 500 this was from a collector the boat a mint 240 fresh water machine .
    I winter in north Florida so I trailered the boat to Marine max Jacksonville to have the boat looked over because it had sat in the previous owners warehouse.
    Almost 8,000 later after having to go and find parts from west Marine I’m pretty sure they only thing they did was change the batteries and raw water hoses and valves that I supplied.I Put the boat in water control boot leak no bilge pumps at all.
    Still working on the forensics but so far strong indications that they charged for about 4,000 in parts and labor not done .

    My first red flag was they said they ran the boat and it was good to go after I made it perfectly clear they were not to sea try boat without me!
    I will not let this go a small claims filing gives the consumer the right to subpoena a lot can be discovered I this process.

  2. John Doe

    This company is badly flawed. The stock needs to continue its downward trend in order for change to take place. Please continue to post how they fraudulently operate.

  3. Steve LaBelle

    Has MarineMax tried to enforce the Non-Disparagement clause on the back of their Purchase & sales against anyone? They did with me and this violates Federal Law! I currently have a Federal Court case against them in Boston, Ma.
    The case involves Deceptive business practices, sale of non merchantable vessel, breach of warranty etc… This is all regarding a purchase of a New Azimut 66 Flybridge. If anyone wants more details my email is below. do yourself a favor and don’t even consider buying from them!
    [email protected]

  4. Anthony Baroco

    I purchased a custom 2022 Grady White Freedom from the factory from a local Marine Max dealer. When I took delivery of the boat, both the batteries were some off brand I never heard of from the factory now, and were dead. They replaced the batteries with Interstate which I asked for. When I launched the boat the fuel gage did not work because the sending unit on the fuel tank was analog and would not communicated with the Yamaha multi function display. I also bought a 2020 Scout 175 Sailfish with no title, but they said they would get it from the owner in Mississippi, which took several months for me to register it and get my decals, to avoid a ticket. $225,000.00 later worst boat buying experience of my life.

  5. Thomas Curry

    I was buying boat from MarineMax Pensacola FL. The sales rep, Lance Mullins, told me that the seller was one of his best friends and the boat was impeccably Capt maintained and had no damage history. Trusting this sales rep (my first mistake) I proceeded to send them a deposit and spent $6,700 on airfare, hotels, meals, pulling the boat and survey just to find out that the boat had MAJOR structural damage and wasn’t worth a penny. Basically, this $800k boat needs to be trashed. MarineMax sales rep told me he had no idea and said he was dropping the listing. Ironically, 4 weeks later, he still has the boat listed.


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